Buddy Programme for International Students

The buddy programme (formerly known as student mentoring programme) supports international students with settling into the Leipzig student community. HTWK students volunteer to assist international students during their first weeks in Leipzig.
The programme differs slightly for students who aim to finish a degree at HTWK Leipzig (degree-seeking students) and students who come to HTWK Leipzig for one or two exchange semesters (non-degree students).
Buddy Programme for degree-seeking students
As a new degree-seeking student at HTWK Leipzig you probably have many questions concerning the university and how to organize your studies. The buddy programme offers support.
- student contact person prior to the beginning of your studies
- meeting other students at HTWK Leipzig
- support in regard to the organization of your studies
- support in regard to language-related questions
If you are interested in the programme and would like to take part, you can apply by completing this registration form. If you have any further questions, you can contact us.
Buddy Programme for non-degree students
Coming to a new city in a foreign country is a challenge. We are glad that you chose HTWK Leipzig as the destination for your study abroad period and we will help you to settle in.
A senior student of HTWK Leipzig (buddy) will support and assist you during the first weeks and months in Leipzig. This includes advice and support prior to your arrival, during the introduction course and at the beginning of the semester.
A registration for the programme is not necessary. All non-degree (exchange) students will meet a buddy. Your buddy will contact you via email prior to your arrival in Leipzig to clear any remaining questions and to arrange a meeting on the day of your arrival. He or she will also support you with handling the registration process, e.g. by accompanying you to different registration offices.
If you have any questions, please contact incoming (at) htwk-leipzig.de.